Privacy Policy


GradeAssist is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users' personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information provided to us.

Information Collection

  1. Collection of Personal Information: GradeAssist collects minimal personal information necessary for account creation, which may include the user's name obtained from their Google account through Google OAuth. No additional scopes are utilized.

Use of Information

  1. Use of Personal Information: The collected personal information is solely used for account authentication and login purposes.

Information Sharing

  1. Third-Party Sharing: GradeAssist does not share any user information with third parties.

Data Handling

  1. Data Handling for Submitted Assignments: When users submit assignment texts via GradeAssist, data is transmitted to our API providers. OpenAI's privacy policy governs the handling of this data; however, it is important to note that the data is not utilized to train new models.

User Rights

  1. Access, Update, and Deletion: Users can request access to, update, or deletion of their account information by contacting support at

Data Security

  1. Security Measures: GradeAssist implements industry-standard encryption protocols during data transmission (TLS 1.2+) and storage (AES-256). Student work and rubrics are not utilized to improve or train public models.

Rubric Publishing

  1. Rubric Publication: Users have the option to publish their rubrics to the discover page on our web app. It is important to note that once published, anyone signed up to the GradeAssist platform can copy the rubric. Even if removed from the discover page later on, copies may still exist.

Updates to Privacy Policy

GradeAssist reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices. Users will be notified of any significant updates.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at